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Walk in Nature

About Us

King's Kids Daycare and Nature Preschool

is where every child receives the royal treatment.


Each child benefits from the multi-age classroom:

  • the young ones by being fascinated by and learning from the older ones

  • the older ones by learning to become role models and teacher's helpers


Teacher and students examining plants

Nature Based

Our program is nature-based and provocation-driven.

As acolytes of 1000 Hours Outside, it is our goal to ensure each of your children spend as much time outside as possible throughout the entire year. We teach, talk, learn and play in and around nature each and every day. 

With a multi-age program, though we can use a similar theme, there will be differences in the methods.  For the older children, readying them for kindergarten will be an important goal.


For the younger child, we offer a more self-directed learning opportunity.


Jumping in Puddles

Provocation Directed Play

As educators of young children, we believe in the idea that learning is a child's journey. We feel that play is the way all children learn and that it needs to be wonder-based in the sense that the child gets to direct what interests them. What seems like fun to them? What are they interested in? What are they wondering about?


It is our belief that play time should be as self-directed as possible, allowing the child to light on whatever provokes interest. It is then the duty of the teachers to come along side the child and assist them on their journey, rather than direct them.


We utilize and encourage a sensory and exploratory curriculum

Classroom Pictures

King's Kids Solstice Graduation procession
King's Kids hip hip hooray 2023 Gradutaion
Kings Kids 2023 Solstice Gaduates
King's Kids Ice Ice Cream Sudaes for the King's Kids graduates
King's Kids Littlest
King's Kids Miss Julie educator extraordinaire
King's Kids in snowsuits
King's Kids outside planting
King's Kids Dirt play

King's Kids Daycare and Preschool

West Bridgewater, MA 02379

Phone: 508-587-6535

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